Friday, December 26, 2008
North Point Slide Show
Sunday, December 21, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008
South Point Pipes
Long Exposure. I've been playing around with my Singh Ray vari-ND filter for some time now. I gives me a wide range of neutral density settings in a single fllter. I've seen others taking images like the one here but I've longed to put my own stamp on this technique. Exposure was 30 seconds which was long enough to give a dynamic sky and smooth water. I'd like to go further . . . maybe 2-3 minutes and show more movement in the sky.
In this case, I like the mix of industry and nature created by the pipes, the old pier and the stormy skies. The location here is the shore of Lake Michigan, south of Milwaukee. I plan to shoot more like this. Since I'm in Wisconsin, these winter months should offer plenty of similar stormy skies.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Winter has arrived and for the second consecutive December, we seem to be getting snow storm after snow storm. Another is on it's way as we speak. This means it's cold outside which translates to ice along Lake Michigan.
So, I visited North Point (again) this past Sunday to find the old pier covered with ice. The four pillars resemble four gnomes marking into the icy waters of Lake Michigan. It was a frigid morning for sure with temperatures in the single digits but I had to continue to play with my Canon 5D Mark II. The detail this camera captures continues to amaze me.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Well, I have had my new Canon 5D Mark II for about a week now. The more is shoot with it the more I'm amazed at the level of detail this camera can show. I was in Chicago this week at a conference and brought the gear with me. It was cold and windy but I couldn't pass up the chance to photograph Chicago at night. I ventured to Navy Pier and on the way back caught this scene looking back up the Chicago River.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
North Point Sunrise 2
Now that I'm itchy to play with my new Canon 5D Mark II, what better place to put it to the test than sunrise at North Point on Lake Michigan in downtown Milwaukee. It's a favorite spot for many local photographers and I often see the same friends also checking out the sunrise. If it's a nice sunrise that morning, the chatter is minimal while we all set up and compose our images. If the sunrise is so, so, we spend the time talking about photography, the weather or whatever strikes us at the moment.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Canon 5D Mark II
Well, the wait and anticipation was long. I sold a lens or two and still have to sell my Canon 5D Mark I. But I am now the proud owner of a Canon 5D Mark II. All I can say is that the hype on this camera is for real. The image shown here was shot at ISO 6400. That's right, there's no missing decimal point here. I am simply, amazed.
The file sizes are also amazing. Raw images are between 25 and 30MB. I haven't even tried a layered photoshop file yet. The camera has so many features that I'm actually reading the manual cover to cover.
Then there's video! The camera can shoot in live mode and capture HD video. I had to try this out to so I shot my son playing a quick guitar riff in low light to see how it would do. Again, amazing
Check out some images and the video at
Monday, November 24, 2008
First Snow
There's hardly a sight more beautiful than the first snow of the season. Especially, one that coats everything. This was just enough of the white stuff . . . a couple of inches that will melt quickly but it coated the trees and made for a winter wonderland.
This image was taken at Johnson Park in Racine on my way to work.
Monday, November 17, 2008
North Point Tree
It was a spur of the moment decision but I ventured down to the lakefront to visit North Point yet again. It was a cloudy but not really stormy day. I shot with my IR converted camera to capture this scene. While not you're traditional IR shot, I really like what IR can do with moody scenes such as this. When I first converted my camera to IR, I figured I would be shooting nothing but green foliage. My opinion has now changed . . . and I think I'll be using this all winter long.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Way of Life
I've really come to appreciate Urban Exploration or 'URBEX'. There a sense of excitement entering a place for the first time. It certainly feels like discovery even if only personal. There's also anxiety, especially at first, with thoughts of getting caught. However, once inside, there's a lighting bonanza, aged textures and a history of stories waiting to be told. Urbex has become a "Way of Life".
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Holy Hill Toyland
I've always been fascinated with the lens blur technique to create a toyland effect. Well, I finally gave it a try. It's not that hard but takes some practice to put the lens blur in the right place. Basically, in Photosphop, you create a quick mask and use a gradient filter and apply a lens blur to the mask. There's a little more involved in getting the settings just right. The other aspect is to find the right image. Since we're creating an image that looks like a toy model, it works best with images where you are looking down at the scene. You can read more on this at
Here's my first attempt!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
A while back, I converted an old Canon 20D to an infrared only camera. It was done by Lifepixel. I love the fact that I don't need long exposures and I can handhold and compose my shots just like a normal slr.
Infrared opens up a whole new realm in photography. The usual white trees with black skies are the norm. In this image, it was the shadow in the green ( white)grass that caught my attention and I wondered how it would look with infrared. It almost looks like this was taken at night but it was around 5pm.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
North Point Morning
It didn't look like it was going to be a great sunrise this morning. It was gray, overcast and I didn't think we would see the sun. However, with a little patience, the clouds parted and the sun briefly peeked over Lake Michigan. North Point in Milwaukee is a popular photographer's location. There were five people who just randomly showed up this morning.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
No question, autumn is here . . .

Holy Hill 101808-13
Originally uploaded by RJIPhotography
The leaves are falling fast and some trees are already bare. The weather is turning sharply cooler as well. Amazing but only two weeks ago, we were near 70 degrees, the trees were full and in their blazing glory. Now we are only left with falling trees and temperatures. The cold north wind will be bringing the first snow before too long.
Sunday, October 19, 2008

It's autumn in SE Wisconsin and the colors have just been phenomenal this year. This weekend I traveled with a group to Holy Hill. Holy Hill is located on the highest elevation in this part of the state. Situated on 435 acres of rural countryside, it provides visitors with the opportunity for spiritual enrichment. The grounds are beautiful, serene and peaceful.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Milwaukee Harbor LIghthouse II
It was a beautiful pastel morning. However, I decided to play with some lightroom presets. I love the clarity slider in LR version 2 since you can now add negative clarity. It gives this image its ethereal glow.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Been Way Too Long . . .

It's been a long stretch since my last post but work and life have been extremely busy. I finally am getting slow down a bit and currently vacationing at my favorite spot, Legend Lake in Menominee County, Wisconsin. Sunrises have been particularly beautiful and I have been out capturing the pure beauty of this scene.
I've also traveled about the area to shoot some of the waterfall scenes along the Wolf River. Keshena Falls and Bear Trap Falls are two that are shown here. There are others along the Wolf but two of them I could not find the entry point.
Monday, July 7, 2008
More Wisconsin Loons

This weekend I was fortunate enough to see my favorite loons on Legend Lake. This guy let me track him from my boat and stay reasonably close without him diving into the deep only to show up somewhere out of reach of my telephoto-equipped camera. Luck was on my side when he suddenly stretched his wings to reveal the beautiful patterns and texture.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

In Wisconsin, we cherish our summers as they are far too short (or is the winter that's too long). We revel in being outdoors, heading 'north' to spend time on one of the 17,000 lakes in the state. For me, sunrise is my favorite time to be on the water. The wildlife is waking for another day. The wind is calm and the water is still except for the small waves of your boat slowly trolling, cutting through the calm water. The waves that form make symmetrical patterns in the water colored by your surroundings . . . green trees, blue sky, the rainbow of colors at sunrise. The colors and light dance with the patterns of the waves. It's almost puts you in a trance and you can't help but become captivated by the abstract patterns that are formed and constantly change.
The images presented here are reminiscent of that early morning scene.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Legend Lake Sunset

I've spent the last several weekends on Legend Lake. I absolutely love the serenity of sunrise and sunset on the lake. The image here is a typical scene yet every time I capture one of these sunrises or sunsets, they are completely different.
Friday, June 27, 2008

The sun has just come up and the Wisconsin Northwoods comes to life. The water is still as is the wind. Some birds are singing but these are the common sounds you hear so often. There's the occasional sound of fish breaking the water lunging to capture their breakfast. Then, you hear it. The Loons are calling. Their sound is distinct and it is beautiful. It is also calming and peaceful. There's no mistaking the call of the Loons and I love those mornings when I am fortunate enough to hear them.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Get Off My Perch

Yesterday, I went down to Lake Michigan. It's been a while but the weather was glorious. My favorite spot at north point had these seagulls all around. I captured one who wasn't in a great mood.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Walker's Point
Walker's Point, listed in the National Register of Historic Places as Milwaukee's first National Historic District, and coined "Milwaukee's oldest neighborhood," today is a neighborhood with a skyline dominated by steeples, and an assortment of historic homes, art galleries, and a mouth-watering variety of ethnic restaurants. Located in Walker's Point is one of Milwaukee's most notable landmarks, the Allen-Bradley building, which has resting at its top, the largest four-sided clock in the world, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
We're beginning to see signs of a great revival of this area like the Third Ward just to the north. However, right now, there's so much in the way of history and community that it's a photographic gold mine. While this Flickr stroll lasted a little more than an hour, I will return on my own for more.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Getting Back to Nature

It's that time of season . . . everything is starting to bloom throughout Wisconsin. My thoughts turn to Legend Lake in Keshena. We spend many of our weekends there, enjoying the lake with fishing, boating and enjoying nature. I've seen Bald Eagles, Blue Herons, even Black Bears in the area. This location has become my sanctuary. I'll rise at sunrise and venture out on the lake with fishing rod in one hand an camera in the other. If the fishing is good, great! If not, I'm perfectly satisfied photographing the sunrise, other fisherman and the Loons! I can't think of a better way to start the day. And no matter what happens during the day, you're sure to find us on the lake again during sunset when the lake is at peace, often so still that the water looks like glass.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Searchng for That Feeling

I can't believe it's been this long since my last post. I've been busy but aren't we all? I'm working toward some new projects and trying to nail down what I want to achieve. I've selected the area of focus but I have not yet finalized what I feel about the area. It's rich in history and yet it's also in a stage of revitalization. I'm drawn to its history and yet all that's new is being done sustainably with the environment in mind. I'm leaning toward capturing the history in black and white showing a mood that exemplifies the industrial era but is that enough to make it stand out or is it just another period piece. I have a lot of decisions to make. Aside from color or black and white, there's contrasty or not, day or night, sharp or blurred and what special look do I want these images to have.
Right now, I have been driving through this area, collecting notes, and finding hidden roads to new offerings. I'm hoping that between the drives and reviewing this area's history and revitalization, I be able to answer these questions. For now, it's a whirlwind of exploration.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
No announcement on April 22nd

I've been waiting. Ever since the rumor mill started about Canon's replacement for the 5D, I've been waiting for the official launch. I was hopeful that it was going to be on the 22nd but the day came and went. Even the blogosphere didn't have much to say. Ah well, so much for rumors.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Looking forward to new Projects

Now that the CoPA show is behind us, I'm looking forward to getting outside in the is nice weather and start shooting again. I couple of themes are emerging and I would like to include something environmental. I'd like it to be a local project so I can there often but I don't want to location to dictate the theme. Speaking of environmental, I found this image to be one of those ironies that photographers always seem to find. This was taken in the Menomonee Valley which is undergoing a resurgence. It has a way to go as evidenced by this image but they look to rebuild the valley in a sustainable way.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
A Wonderful Member's Show

Well, I completed my first CoPA Member's Show and I feel like it was a great success. Friday night was crazy with lot's of traffic. Friends, co-workers, Cream City Photographers all came out to show their support and say hello. I talked to many others about my work including one guy who I met on an airplane this week!
Friday, April 18, 2008
DC Metro

For the past couple of days, I was in our nation's capital, Washington, DC. No, I didn't see the Pope. But I was able to visit with some old friends in suburban Maryland. It was great catching up. I used the DC Metro (subway) to get from my hotel to my friends. The DC Metro system is wonderful for getting around Washington, DC but it's also a great place to photograph. The architecture and people make it quite attractive. With camera in hand, I was able to capture a few images my favorite being posted here. This is the view from the Glenmont, MD station. I love the symmetry. This was handheld so I needed ISO 1600 on my Canon 5D which I processed with Lightroom and Photoshop CS3 using Imagenomic's Noiseware Professional to reduce the noise.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Fisherman's Morning

The final image I will be showing this weekend is one from Legend Lake, WI. It's just north of Shawano, WI on the Menominee Reservation. I love this location. This image captures the essence. When I'm their, I typically go out fishing, alone, each morning. When the fish are biting, I fish. When they're not, I'm photographing the scenes on the lake. You can tell the fish weren't biting this morning. A fog began rolling in from the east blurring the sun when I captured this image.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Diamond in the Rough

While this image is several years old now, I never tire of looking at it. I call it 'Diamond Studded'. It was a day much like last week, thick with fog but it was warmer then. I was out getting the mail from the mailbox across the street and on my return caught a glimpse of water droplets collecting on the leaves of plants in my flower bed. Most ask if I sprayed some water to create the effect as they can't believe it. If I had, I doubt I could have created this scene with tiny droplets on the end of the leaves. This was taken on a Canon 20D with a Tamron 90mm f/2.8 macro lens. I love this lens. It's every bit as good as the Canon 100mm macro and while it's a little slower on the autofocus, I tend to manual focus on macro shots anyway.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Multnomah Falls

This is the second of the four images I will be displaying at the upcoming CoPA Members Show. It features a well photographed waterfall not far outside of Portland, Oregon. In fact, the falls are right off the highway in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. There are falls throughout the park but these are the most impressive.
Friday, April 11, 2008
A Beautiful Day

It rained so much yesterday, I thought we needed an ark. The weather has been generally lousy. However, this morning, I thought it was just beautiful. The fog was really heavy. I loved it. I love to photograph the fog. It can take what is otherwise a very average scene and turn it into something full of mystery. I probably tend toward a minimalist approach when photographing foggy scenes . . . a single tree or two for example. Today, I ventured off the interstate and took the back roads to work. I found plenty to photograph but I was also very aware that the shoulder on the road was very narrow and therefore somewhat dangerous. Luckily, traffic was light.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
North Point

The CoPA Members Show is just around the corner so I thought I would post the images I'll be showing over the next couple of days. The first is one of my favorites taken in October of 2007. It was my intent to go down to Lake Michigan and photograph sunrise of the old North Point pier, just south of Bradford Beach. It had become a popular spot among the Cream City Photographers crowd on Flickr.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Compelled to Blog

I've been delinquent. I've been neglectful. But mostly, I've been extremely busy. However, after last night's meeting of the Coalition of Photographic Arts (CoPA), I realized that I need to add a post before this whole blogging experiment falls apart.
You see, the seminar session last evening was all about blogging. What is it, how do you do it, the tools (such as Blogger) and some do's and don'ts. Of course, rule number one is the commitment to post! The last thing anyone wants to see are long lapses between blog postings. It kind of defeats the purpose of a weblog (the official name).
CoPA member, Mel Tritten (CigarettesandPurity) gave a wonderful overview of blogging and how it fits into photography. Being new to blogging and being unsure of my intent, I was able to relate to the thought process she provided in starting and maintaining a blog whether for photography or any subject matter. Right of the bat, I felt like I violate a cardinal rule by not posting enough (hence my title for today). However, having set up this site, I had some experiences already that I could relate to in her discussion. The most prominent is how easy this really is to blog, whether I'm getting hits, or even want hits at this early stage. Clearly, I need to find my blogging purpose first.
Mel provided some other photographic blog sites that are on top of the photoblogging world. They include 16:9, The Online Photographer and Conscientious. The each have their place and are extremely popular. I didn't even know they existed but now have them bookmarked. I can't wait to read them through.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Racine Lighthouse

I happened to be in Racine, WI yesterday as we finalize the paperwork on our construction project. We were just a short distance from the Racine Lighthouse, so we wandered there to get a couple of images. It was about 5:30pm so the sun was lower in the sky and it was (finally) a nice day.