Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Chicago Pier

Chicago Pier, originally uploaded by RJIPhotography.

I decided to take a more serious look at Capture One version 4.6 and it's raw conversion. My focus is on the quality of the conversion as I can always use other software like Lightroom and Photoshop to fine tune things.

This image was not the sharpest image to begin with but I do believe that Capture One did a nice job of processing the image. I used a high contrast B&W preset that the software came with. It works well for this image since it was low in contrast owing to the overcast/dusk lighting at the time. I am liking what this software can do. Still more checking and evaluation to do.


Cindy K. said...

Seeing the fun stuff coming out of your new camera certainly gave me something to think about. I decided at a minimum to get every last trick out of the camera I have before I make a decision to upgrade. I even (gasp) brought out the manual!

Next on the list - that upgrade to CS4.

Bob Israel said...

Thank you Cindy. Knowing your equipment makes a difference for sure. I mostly use Lightroom and because of what it can do, my need for photoshop has gone way down.